God is in control and Jesus loves you.

IMG_3164God is in control and Jesus loves you. Two truths I’ve been reminded of lately.

It’s been raining a lot in Guelph. This has led Cody to question his theological position on it. He’s asked two intriguing questions recently. First “why does it always rain in Canada?” and second “Does God shoot the rain from his hand?” He often has these conversations with his imaginary brother Inkytesus but yesterday he told us that Inkytesus was in Jamaica. It’s hard keeping up with the whereabouts of Inkytesus. Last I heard he had moved to Calgary but now he is vacationing in Jamaica. Ashlee-Heather is not a fan of when the answer to “where is Inkytesus?” is “he’s right behind you.” Anyway, I generally have three answers to most “Canadian” questions I receive but none of them worked for this one.

  1. All Canadians don’t speak French
  2. it is not always cold in Canada (I don’t live in an igloo)
  3. Hockey

I settled with telling Cody that we need the rain and that I didn’t know if God shot the rain from His hand but He is in charge of it. Simply, God is in control of it all. He knows when rain is needed and provides it. I almost broke out into a sermon jam and led an alter call as “He’s got the whole world in His hands” was playing in the background from his VBS CD while we drove to school.

Tessa’s thoughts on the rain were a little more extreme. Before we got in the car this morning she jumped in a puddle and sang “It’s raining..it’s pouring..the old man is snoring..I punched him in the face.” I wasn’t expecting that variation to the classic rain song. Inkytesus must have taught her that. Tessa knows the real truth though because the other night Ashlee-Heather asked her “how do you know mommy loves you?” Among other things Tessa looked at her and said “Jesus loves me.”

God is in control and Jesus loves you. He is, He does, He always will.




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